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The 2019 iPad with a Sliding Home Button

An iPad button held on with tape

iPad fix number 800!

Not a complicated fix this one, but so rewarding to get right. an iPad screen had previously been repaired and the Home Button had slid to one side.

I suspect the button had not been re-glued into position, but when I gently took the Digitizer off to see what the problem was I was horrified to see the button was held in place with tape!

There is no way I am letting this be so unloved like that. I removed the tape, repositioned the home button and glued it in place. I gave the glue 8 hours to set before checking the button worked. It had that lovely feel to it where it both clicked and smelt smooth to use, in the way only iPads do.

Finally I cleaned the old adhesive off the digitizer, reapplied new, and clamped it in place overnight to let it set. All my iPad repairs all seem to end this way – glue the digitizer back on and clamp overnight. It is a tried and tested way to guarantee a good seal on the screen.

Such a lovely fix for number 800. Sadly this blog only covers the last few repairs as it is fairly new, but rest assured I have a record off all of the repairs I have undertaken, and I am immensely proud of all of them.