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The Liquid Damaged MacBook Pro – Still Broken

Kris, the Tech Restorer, shrugging off that the MacBook Pro is still faulty

For the first post from Tech Restorer we were hoping to give you some exciting news about a MacBook Pro that needed a new logic board. Alas, this wasn’t to be, as the replacement logic board was also faulty, and had no power going to it.

The MacBook Pro in question is a 2020 model with an M1 Processor, Model A2338. It unfortunately has suffered liquid damage to the original logic board, with the sensors indicating the presence of liquid.

I am optimistic that the MacBook Pro can be fixed at some point in the very near future, but for now the replacement board has been returned, and I shall continue the quest to find a functional replacement.

For now I have refitted the original logic back into the MacBook, and even though it only works intermittently it is at least back in its original conditional when it first came to me to be repaired.

I am optimistic this MacBook will rise once again!